I realize when a person thinks about getting a massage, the stomach is often overlooked as part of a normal session. However, abdominal massage is one of the most important areas to be touched during a therapeutic session. The abdomen is home to our vital organs and is key to maintaining good health. Our abdominal cavity is home to the stomach, diaphragm, colon, small intestine, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder.
Adults, infants, and young children all benefit from abdominal massage, promoting digestion, alleviating gastric upsets, soothing the nerves, and benefits the organs interconnected with the stomach area as well as the intestinal tract. When performing an abdominal massage on an infant, one can actually feel gas bubbles making their way through the digestive tract and out of the body thereby relieving the discomfort from gas.
Benefits of Abdominal Massage:
- It helps in proper digestion.
- Abdominal massage is best for problems related to constipation.
- It promotes elimination, and secretion of hormones.
- It stimulates liver and gall-bladder.
- It strengthens weak and relaxed abdominal muscles.
- It breaks down adhesions.
- It helps in aligning the pelvic bones.
- It adjusts the uterus to its proper position in case of problems.
- It releases muscular armoring in the trunk and enhance circulation of blood and lymphatic fluids.
- It releases deep muscle tissue spasms in the entire abdominal area.
- Abdominal massage produces heat, which melts adipose tissue or fat.
- General improvement in blood circulation benefits the blood vessels in the abdominal cavity.
- The liver, the gall-bladder, and the pancreas receive a large share of oxygen and nutrients and release their metabolic waste products.
- Abdominal massage helps open the abdominal cavity and release the fascia so the organs can lay unrestricted in their natural positions in the abdominal cavity.
One of my favorite effects from an abdominal massage is how clear my eyes and flushed my cheeks are afterward. You won't regret the experience! Book your appointment today and feel the benefits for yourself.
Leslie Smith, LATC, MT
Article originally appeared on Health and Wellness (http://www.wellspringhealthcenter.com/).
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