On what do you focus today? The things that need to get done? The pressures and stressors of your life? Relationships? The pile of work on your desk? The last of the canning and wood that needs to be done before winter sets in? The kids? Parents?
Take time to RE-focus and calm your inner self. When we are spinning out of control, it's hard to stay focused on the tasks at hand. Nothing seems to get done completely and everything feels frayed. Taking a few minutes, maybe 30 minutes or more, to center yourself, may just give you that inner breath that you need to be able to return to the "necessary" with greater calm.
Focus is the "word of the day" on A+ a WORD from God's Book. "A Monday - Friday blog consisting of 4 to 6 INSPIRATIONAL scriptures based on a single word. Presented by LIFEgroups International." This is a blog that I've followed off and on since it started (initially by e-mail, then by blog). Today's word was so fitting, I just had to share it.